Does your client communication include these 5 essential elements? Avoid overwhelming clients and build trust.

Nobody gets it right the first time, and I’m no exception to that rule. Looking back, I wish I’d known then what I do now about the importance of getting your communication spot on. In our business, everything can be practiced and improved, with tangible level ups for your business as the reward.

These are the 5 elements my most faithful clients tell me are key to them in our ongoing relationship. Any you think you need to work on?

1. Clarity and Concision

Keep. It. Simple. 

Ever been so proud of the knowledge you’ve accrued about some complicated element of a client’s estate that you can’t help but share it with them?

In estate management, you need to be clear, concise and to the point. Technical jargon, no matter if it’s relevant, confuses rather than clarifies. Strive to communicate your message succinctly, making it as easy as humanly possible to digest the more complex info. By distilling complex details into straightforward terms, you facilitate smoother decision-making processes and foster a more productive environment. 

Which brings me to the next crucial point I may have been guilty of in the past…

2. Avoiding Over-Explanation

We’ve all seen the “this meeting could have been an email” meme. Well, “this lengthy email could have been a two-word response” is just as valid!

In the fast-paced world of estate management, clarity often comes from brevity. Avoid the temptation to over-explain or provide unnecessary details in your communications. Instead, acknowledge receipt or understanding with brief responses like "noted," "copy that," or "working on it." These concise acknowledgments reassure stakeholders that their message has been received and action is underway without overwhelming them with unnecessary information.

3. Timeliness and Consistency

Keeping it concise and filtering through only need-to-know info only works if we’re not keeping our clients waiting.

Timeliness is crucial in estate management. Whether responding to inquiries, providing updates, or addressing issues, prompt communication demonstrates reliability and professionalism. I always try to deliver information as soon as it becomes available to me, keeping stakeholders informed and engaged. 

Consistency is the perfect partner to timeliness as it establishes predictable communication patterns. Whether it's regular updates or adherence to deadlines, consistent communication builds trust and ensures operational efficiency

I usually respond as soon as I can, with 30 minutes being my limit unless unavoidable. That sometimes requires the help of systems and automation, but if so, be sure never to forget the next point!

4. Personalization and Empathy

It’s no secret that we sometimes leverage templates or standard responses to maximize efficiency, but if you’re sending generic correspondence to your clients, you're simply not doing it right.

Every client and stakeholder is unique, with specific needs and expectations. Personalizing your communication shows that you understand and value their individual circumstances. 

Whether it's remembering personal preferences, acknowledging milestones (deceptively important), or empathizing with what has them concerned, demonstrating empathy builds rapport and strengthens professional relationships. By understanding their perspective and tailoring your approach accordingly, you boost client satisfaction and they’ll be more likely to stick with you for the long-run.

5. Transparency and Honesty

So we all know that this point really could have been number one. But it’s exactly the discipline and consistency of the first four points that are going to allow you to articulate yourself and build that most intangible commodity - trust.

Transparency and honesty build credibility. Clients and stakeholders appreciate openness about challenges, successes, and the overall state of affairs. Whether discussing financial matters, property maintenance issues, or project timelines, transparency ensures everyone is on the same page. 

Honesty about capabilities and limitations, while sometimes daunting, also establishes realistic expectations and mitigates misunderstandings, ultimately leading to stronger professional relationships.

Yes, you need to work on how you’re communicating with clients. But behind that, you must be genuine and open in everything you’re transmitting to them. And trust me - they can tell.

So, embrace these 5 principles in your daily interactions to become more efficient, strengthen relationships, and watch both your career and your reputation as an estate manager to flourish.


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